We are a large union of energetic youngsters who aim to transform India into a developed nation. We lead an example of ‘Be The Change’ by being the change and extending our selfless service to our country.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam believed in the power of youth and had a vision to see our nation transform into a developed one. Today, we hold his ‘Vision 2020’ as our mission.
I (your name), a volunteer of INDRA,
pledge to serve my nation
to the best of my ability
in all my undertakings
to make India
a prosperous and progressive nation.
I will uphold the ideals of
Service before Self
and promise to work for the growth
of my country.
I will remain secular, inclusive, fair,
and united in all my endeavors.
I will strive
to fulfill Kalam Sir's dream
of a developed nation.
Jai hind!
The volunteers will always report to their immediate seniors